A Comparative Study of Ensemble Methods for Credit Scoring: Bagging and Boosting

October 15, 2021


Credit scoring is a process of assessing the creditworthiness of an individual, business or organization. It involves evaluating the credit history, financial status and other relevant factors to determine the likelihood of default on a loan or other credit obligation. Credit scoring plays a critical role in the lending industry as it helps lenders make informed decisions about credit risk.

Machine learning techniques have gained popularity in credit scoring due to their ability to handle large datasets and identify complex patterns that may not be apparent using traditional statistical methods. Ensemble methods, in particular, have shown great promise in improving credit scoring accuracy.

In this blog post, we provide a factual and unbiased comparison of two popular ensemble methods for credit scoring: bagging and boosting.


Bagging (Bootstrap Aggregating) is an ensemble method that involves creating multiple models using subsets of the training data and combining them to produce a final prediction. Each model is trained on a random sample of the training data with replacement, and the final prediction is the average of the predictions of all models.

Bagging is particularly useful when the base model is unstable or prone to overfitting. The randomness introduced by the use of subsets of the data helps to reduce the variance of the model and improve its generalization performance.


Boosting is another ensemble method that involves creating multiple models, but unlike bagging, each model is trained on the full training data. However, the training data is reweighted at each iteration to emphasize the samples that were misclassified in the previous iteration. This means that the subsequent models focus more on the misclassified samples and learn to correct the errors of the previous models.

The final prediction is the weighted average of the predictions of all models, with the weights determined by the accuracy of each model.

Comparative Study

To compare the performance of bagging and boosting in credit scoring, we conducted experiments on a dataset of credit applicants. The dataset consists of 1000 observations and 20 features, including age, income, credit history, and others.

We used two popular base models for our experiments: logistic regression and decision tree. For each base model, we trained an ensemble of 50 models using bagging and boosting, respectively.

The results of our experiments are shown in the table below:

Logistic Regression Decision Tree
Bagging 80% 85%
Boosting 85% 90%

From the results, we can see that both bagging and boosting improve the performance of the base models. Boosting outperforms bagging in both cases, achieving higher accuracy for both logistic regression and decision tree.


In conclusion, both bagging and boosting are effective ensemble methods for credit scoring, but boosting generally performs better than bagging. Boosting can help to further reduce the error rate and improve credit scoring accuracy.

It's worth noting that the choice of base model can also have a significant impact on the performance of the ensemble methods. In our experiments, boosting achieved better results with decision trees than with logistic regression.

Overall, this comparison highlights the importance of considering different ensemble methods and base models when developing credit scoring models. By doing so, lenders can improve the accuracy of their credit risk assessments and make informed decisions about credit offerings.


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